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M57 so small.....


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Got my scope - ED80 - on my unmodded Canon 1100d imaging M57 - Ring Nebula. Scope outside now grabbing the data and looking good - I've popped in for a warm and a beer :) One observation: on my rig M57 is rather small ! I know it is of small angular diameter and teh ED80 is more of a wide field setup.

That sound right guys please? Visually in my CPC 1100 with a 12mm EP it looks quite large - though faint.

Right, back out I go... ;-)

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Got my scope - ED80 - on my unmodded Canon 1100d imaging M57 - Ring Nebula. Scope outside now grabbing the data and looking good - I've popped in for a warm and a beer :) One observation: on my rig M57 is rather small ! I know it is of small angular diameter and teh ED80 is more of a wide field setup.

That sound right guys please? Visually in my CPC 1100 with a 12mm EP it looks quite large - though faint.

Right, back out I go... ;-)

That's right, it is quite small in the ED-80 but you should be able to crop the image down and enlarge it enough to get a good result - I found the resolution between the ED80 and my 8 inch newtonian comparable - even though the image on from the 8inch was larger to begin with - don't despair! :-)


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Thanks David! Will give that a try tomorrow after processing.

Really am going out now... :)


Good Man! I'll hold the clouds at bay har har!


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