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I've just modded my Canon 350d


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I've just finished modding my Canon 350d. I've only removed the filter because I don't need to use it for everyday imaging.

I found the hardest part to be putting the little ribbon cables back in, especially the little git to the left and below of the view finder. I need a beer :-)

It all seems to work, but I guess I'll soon find out especially if I find a big spec of something in every image I take.

I hope you guys don't find a more difficult essential mod than that, the EQ5 hand controller mod was bad enough :laugh:


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Yes, there's an IR/UV cut filter and a separate colour correction filter. The latter corrects the colour balance to make it the same as the human eye by reducing red sensitivity. It's this colour "correction" filter that we remove to increase the red sensitivity for astro use. Early models only had one filter I believe with the two functions combined. When the combined filter is removed you need to add IR and UV cut filter(s) for normal astro imaging.

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Well done pel! I've read theres a metal shield to desolder, how did that bit go? I bought a modded 350D a while ago which I'm sure is just a filter removal jobby and I've had some good results with it on my 150p, there can be a bit of a problem with a full spectrum mod on fracs (especially achros) as the full spectrum mod lets all the iR though and lenses can't bring the IR into focus at the same point as visible light, this is to a lesser extent with Apo's but the effect of this is star bloating/halos. I'm about to put this to the test though with a Canon 300D I'm about to mod. I'm in the process of doing a before and after mod test imaging M45 and M42 to look at any increase in star bloating and to see the improvement in Ha sensitivity.

Congrats again, I think you've earnt the beer:)


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As with taking anything apart there is always 1 rusty bolt, 1 dodgy screw or 1 dodgy bit of solder. I did hear that just removing the filter can cause issues on other types of scopes, it seems to work ok on reflectors though.

Good luck with the 300d.

I'm looking forward to greeting more than just blue in my M42 images.

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