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Venus pretending to be Jupiter. Doh!


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In an attempt to start a regime to lose a few (many in my case!) pounds, the wife and I went for a walk up on the heath at 6.30 this morning before work.

It was early, and I was half asleep, let's just remember that :D. Walking up the hill, more west than south, I looked up and saw a bright 'star', with a tiny point of light next to it. Despite it being in the wrong part of the sky, too bright, and the wrong colour, I confidently said to the Mrs, ' There's Jupiter, and you can see one of it's moons. I've never seen that before, amazing'......

Fortunately it didn't take too long to wake up and realise I hadn't suddenly developed eagle eyed vision, and that it was Venus, next to a bright-ish star. Checked when I got home and it is Regulus, very close by.

It was a lovely sight, did anyone else catch it, or image it?

As an aside, has anyone ever seen one of the Gallilean moons with the naked eye? I guess maybe Callisto is theoretically possible with very good seeing and very good eyesight when furthest from Jupiter....at opposition....?


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Nice, I'll put no.1 son (Hawkeye) on the job. He has focus perfect vision and can make out Saturn's rings.

The phases of Venus do look good in a scope.

I once pointed out Jupiter, saw a bright light on the horizon. It turned out to be a light airplane.

Seeing as this was at a star party, I went and hid in the tent for a while!


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Well I have to say Capricorn, unusually, I did 'fess up, even though she would never have known any difference. Another mortal blow to any pretence of competence or knowledge :D

Nobody has replied to say they saw it....was genuinely a lovely sight in near daylight to see them both together


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