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Help Setting Up Scope

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Hi guys,

I've been playing around with my new scope, a Starwatcher, short-tube 80mm refractor. I'm not entirely sure if I've set it up right so far, heres how it looks:


I put the bottom dial to my latitude (52) and the top dial to 90 degrees, then when I'm outside I get it to point North, and then it should track? One thing I'm not sure about, should the focuser knobs line up with the ring knobs, like this:


If they do, it means the Skywatcher logo is at the top and bottom rather than the two sides:


If I do it so the logo is horizontal then it looks a pretty awkward position to use it, any advice is greatly appreciated!!!



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Hi Grant,

It's a bit late, but hopefully this will make some sense.... :clouds2:

Don't worry where the scope is pointing (or the Skywatcher logo) when you setup, just make sure you've set the latitude (which you have) and that the mount itself is facing North (which is the axis you have marked in the second photo), that way the scope will always track along the RA, which would rotate 'towards' your DVD's in the first photo.

Sorry mate, but I can't quite see what you're doing in the last photo but remember there are always two positions you can put the mount into to see a particular part of the sky, you can always 'flip' the scope over the mount and see the same position as you could with the scope 'under' the mount. It's hard to describe but if you loosen both axis and have a play with the movement you will see what I mean.


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It doesn't really matter where the logo is, as long as the position of the focuser knobs is comfortable for you to use. Your set up looks OK to me. I usually ignore the settings on the latitude dial, and point the thing at Polaris. Then I know I'm pointing north, and at the right latitude.

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