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Hello I am a new stargazer with a 200p on a heq5.

Just have a couple of questions.

1.After my first amazing nights out with the setup, I can see the primary mirror has picked up some debris (looks like grass maybe).

I dont own a collimator of any sort at the moment so was just wondering if theres a good way to remove this safely without removing the mirror itself?

2. Also the other night was particularly humid and there was visibly a lot of dew on the ota.

I was just wondering what should I do with the scope after a session? Bring it inside to the warm immediately? Dew cap on or off overnight? Any tips or tricks?

Many thanks,


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Tried holding the ota upside down to get rid of the grass? It shouldn't be grass considering the position of the mirror but you could try holding the scope upside down. Just don't drop it!

When you bring the scope inside put it next to a radiator and let the dew evaporate. DO NOT WIPE!

I have a 200P dob so I don't know if the same rules apply but I would consider making a dew shield.

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I would get the grass off by whatever gentle means you can.

Cannot see a dew shield making any use as you effectively already have one, the tube of the OTA. If you want to install dew heaters that is a different proposition.

Concerning cleaning it.

If not overly bad then leave it, however moisture is not pure distilled water, it is slightly acidic and will leave a chalk like deposit that builds up over time.

The mirror should have a protective coating but any holes in it will allow the slightly acidic moisture into contact with the silvering, actually aluminium which is a reasonably reactive metal.

To my way of thinking you can be damned if you do and damned if you dont.

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I agree with G12, sorry about the result of abbreviating the name. If that doesn't work try a hair dryer, but not when the mirror's cold!

Over time the primary will get covered in dust & Rubbish & cobwebs etc. you will be surprised at how little it will affect your observing, even if it looks really bad.

Always let the dew evaporate off before you put the dust cap on.

Hth Dave

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