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4 more stupid questions.

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It seems that a lot of the time things we consider simple or practical are omitted simply due to profit.

A handle would be practical but with the manipulation and rotation of a tube a fixed handle may not always be conveniently placed.

The nobs on an EQ mount can be inconvenient and familiarity will eliminate this problem. My daughter has glow in the dark stars on her ceiling, maybe something like that would help, but they do require 'charging'. Maybe a better solution would be using one of the 'Nite' products that remain luminous without recharging under a white light.

The answers to question 3 and 4 can sadly be design error. Like most things there is sometimes too much haste to get a product to market and not enough R&D.

Posing these questions to the manufacturer may be beneficial. You may get a better explanation and if they are oversights your input may help with design revisions.

Hope this helps.

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Have you thought about adding one? you know what- I reckon the reason might be as vain as aesthetics: a handle would faff X Co telescope's 'cool' serious-looking image up.

drill some holes in your scope, fit a handle and let us know how you go. make it a light one though or it'll throw your balance out when you rotate your scope :eek:


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BiG JiLM, I think the people above have answers your questions. I my opition there is not such a thing as a 'stupid question' if you do not ask you will ever know, if a person knows the answer to your stupid question and will not answer it, they are the stupid person. Never be afraid to ask, most astronomers have been there before you and normally only to glad to help you out, this I have found in the pass with astronomy generally.


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Well call me a dutchman but I dont understand a few things on my scope (new to the game/ 1st scope).

Its a simple celestron astromaster 130EQ/ 5" reflector, on an EQ mount.

2) why if as seems to be the case, Im fumbling around for the dec and ra clutch knobs in the dark so often, aren't these two knobs simply glow-in-the dark? seems such a simple design addition with huge functionality, for peanuts.

I take it you haven't got a red torch then?

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