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The big eye in the sky


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Amazingly, we have one of those very rare things here, a clear night, and I'm making good use of it :D Already collected a few dozen subs with the scope to complete my Cygnus Loop mosaic plus umpteen OIII subs on my widefield camera with 200mm lens. Now I'm on M42 which has just risen in the east. Have to go to bed soon though :D

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Amazingly, we have one of those very rare things here, a clear night, and I'm making good use of it :D Already collected a few dozen subs with the scope to complete my Cygnus Loop mosaic plus umpteen OIII subs on my widefield camera with 200mm lens. Now I'm on M42 which has just risen in the east. Have to go to bed soon though :D

Looking forward to seeing your finished Cygnus Loop Gina, don't forget to get some kip or you will be too tired to process all that data :coffee:

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I share your pain Quartermass, fingers crossed for tonight and my newly guided setup though, am hoping for some 10 min subs....

Fingers crossed for 10 minute subs mind you longer subs mean lots more noise to deal with when I do guided imaging so I don't tend to go for more then 5 minute subs. Really looking forward to the winter time and Orion being high in the sky again.

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Looking forward to seeing your finished Cygnus Loop Gina, don't forget to get some kip or you will be too tired to process all that data :coffee:

Now just done part 3 of the Cygnus loop mosaic. Next job will be to stitch them together - that should be fun :D Still have the OIII widefiled data to process then I can add Ha and OIII to give a colour widefield image of the Loop. I think I might soon be getting to the point when the Cygnus Loop has been well and truly done! :D But I've already moved on as far as data collection goes, as you may have seen - started on M42 :) Got an hour or so before the clouds rolled in. So closed the roof and parked the scope and set up to take some darks that I hadn't already got. Got to bed about 4am tired but happy and satisfied with a good night's AP :) Lost about an hour earlier to clouds which came in just after I'd got everything set up just after 9pm.
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I don't think I shall be able to manage such a long night very often Mark :D I'm of an age when one very late night makes me tired for several days afterwards! Mind you I tend to feel tired every day anyway :D Better if the sun's out :)

I seem to have mislaid/lost my processed TIFF file of the first pane - the Veil - but at least I have the PNG that I uploaded to Photobucket, though it's only 1024px wide. For compatibility I think I'll try combining the three PNGs. Can't understand where the processed and saved TIFF went or even the PNG I uploaded to Photobucket. I'm sure both were on this machine but a full search produced no results. Although I have PS on the netbook I found it barely run-able so all processing is done on this Win 7 desktop. I think I've been rather lax in keeping backups :(

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