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M15 Inbetween The Clouds


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Thanks Gina. I took some darks last night then flats and biases this morning. Flats were taken with the camera in the same position with a t-shirt over the end of the telescope pointing it at the sky.

The flats made the most impact, followed by darks then biases.

I don't think it helped I only had 2 good lights.

Next time I'm going to try a shorter exposure, the core is blown out in this set.

I also made the mistake of looking up the Messier on wikipedia. The image they have is amazing compared to mine!


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Yes, but don't let it put you off :) And yes, you really need to get something like a dozen or two lights. It's a good idea to check you subs to see if anything is getting blown out, and if so reduce your exposure. Another option is to take some short lights and some longer ones to cover both the light parts and the fainter parts. Of course, this can be more fiddly to process but can yield great results.

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Thanks Gina. I think the approach for globs like this is quite a bit different for something like the Dumbbell Nebula (my last subject).

I think I'll try ISO800 instead of 1600, and shorten the exposure. Then, as you say, take a couple lights and see if the core is OK.

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