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BIAS frames - questions

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Hi, reading the Every Photo Counts book it mentions that BIAS frames can be done anytime. So that's what I did. With camera and scope set up inside the house and with all caps on the scope and blacked out, I fired off 20 x ISO400 then the same with ISO 800 and 1600 - i.e. the ISO values I use the most. All as RAW and at 24C @1/4000.

So, in DSS should i leave these as separate frames or stack them as Steve Richards suggests? Some places on the web say leave them as separates and some places say stack them.....hmmmm....

The temp differential between the BIAS frames I took and the temp when I will get the lights is quite significant.... It appears that does not matter from what I have read. Anyone suggest differently?

Thanks, Steve

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Ok guys. So in DSS when I try to stack my BIAS frames (on their own without any lights) to make a master BIAS frame, is asks for lights? But if I just stack the BIAS frames on their own - pretending for them to be lights it says it will only stack one frame because there are not enough stars.... hmmm...

More playing around and research required me thinks ! :) Good fun all the same.

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Load your bias frames (as bias) and a single light frame (doesn't matter what) then go to stack. DSS will stack your bias into a master and save it in the original folder. It will also apply your new master bias to the light frame you addeded but you can just delete that since it's done its job :)

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