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Maplins jumpstarter

dark star

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Maplins have a Compact battery 12v Jump Starter with 260 psi air compressor on sale for £29.99. I had a look and it is not too heavy and not so big, which is ideal for me.

Would it be any good for powering my HEQ5 Mount? It does not say how many amps per an hour it has (if this is the right term-I know very little about electricity!)

Does anyone have any experience of using this?


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Yes it will work. It is either 12 or 17 Ah (as far as I remember - pretty sure its 17) - ie you can draw 1A for 17 hours before it goes flat (in the real world that would kill the battery - so 7-8 hours is more realistic). Quite a few folk use them - just remember the compressor is V E R Y N O I S Y if you turn it on! If you know what you are doing then removing the "always live" jump leads is a good idea (it isn't difficult at all).

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