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Across SNR G 65.3+5.7: Sharpless 91 & co

stephane zoll

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This subject occupied a large part of my astronomy nights this summer.

G 65.3+5.7 ("the little Cygnus Veils"), is a faint SNR localized in Cygnus.

Many diffuse and filamentary structures compose this remnant ; SH2-91, SH2-94 and SH2-96 are some of the brightest parts. The whole structure covers a field of more than 3°, which is very similar to the size of the popular Cygnus Veils. However G65.3+5.7 is much fainter, to a larger distance of about 2500 LYs as compared with 1500 LYs for the Veils, and much older (~ 30000 years vs 7500 years).

G65.3+5.7 shows a significant signal both in Halpha and OIII ; stronger in Halpha especially in the area of SH2-91 & SH2-94, but the OIII signal allows to better estimate the whole structure and limits of the SNR, while the Halpha signal tends to merge with the surrounding galactic nebulosities.

Below, an OIII map of the whole SNR:


2&3: SH2-91

4: SH2-94

5: SH2-96

1+7+6: no name, "North East area"

Therefore along the summer I imaged SH2-94+96 and the North-East area. The SH2-91 photograph was taken 2 years ago and complete the series.





North-East zone:


All the details at the page: http://www.astrosurf...G65_3__5_7.html

Best photons,


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