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Brief observing session report fri 7th sept 2012


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Not being able to attend the s Wales group session on the 8th sep I went out into our site outside Brecon last night with mr Flibble and Texas Pete. The day was scorching and there was not a cloud in the sky when we met at the storey arms. As we got to our site in the distance you could see a cloud formation falling over the top of a distant mountain..it looked like a waterfall in the distance is all I can describe it as really. Anyway...we started by collimating our scopes and in the ten minutes or so that took, still in the twilight of the evening the scopes were covered in the worst dew I have seen since I took up the hobby. Still with a clear sky we pushed on into a stunning evening in the Brecon beacons

As the darkness fell the stars started to appear....it really is a beautiful place up there...the milky way just started to appear overhead but all the time the dew was building. As is the thing in this part of Wales we spent a lot of time craning necks skywards as the milky way became more and more defined until it was probably the best view I've ever had of it...scopes were pretty much redundant now as the telrads were completely useless in the moisture. Pointing out the various constellations the lasers were the brightest they've ever been picking up the moisture in the air. The mist was now really rolling in leaving a wide window at zenith but all the time closing in and having less and less apparent sky. We did manage to get a view of the veil nebula thanks to David's lovely new 12 inch dob but after a local farmer turned up with all lights blaring wondering what we were up to we knew the night was coming to a premature end.

So just as the moon was approaching the horizon we packed our totally soaking equipment away and bid a soggy retreat.

Very disappointing after such a glorious clear day but on a positive note was great to get out again and meet up with David and Pete as always and did get my first view of the veil and as I mentioned the view of the milky way while it lasted was quite awe inspiring.

Onwards and upwards though with the winter months to follow..good luck to everyone out and about tonight and hopefully catch up with the s Wales group soon.


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Nice write-up Steve, you've just about summed it up perfectly. Nice to meet up with you and Pete again and fingers crossed for the winter ahead. Lovely views of the milky way but it's a shame the mist and fog rolled in so soon and blocked everything out.

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Steve,have you ever thought of writing books! The way you have descibed the night was spot on but also sounds like a well wrote novel.the sponge inside my ep case is still wet.It was nice to get the first one under our belts and many more to come.

To all those who are attending the Blaenavon meet tonight good luck and clear skies :smiley:

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