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APT questions


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Is it possible to get APT to have a "bright" display, so I can see it outdoors during the day?

And when configuring a plan, how does one set an exposure time of fractions of a second? As a decimal? I tried that but it didn't appear to work (the image I saw was far brighter than the ones I'd previously taken). Could that be because I'd only chosen jpeg output in the plan rather than raw as is usually the case?


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Is it possible to get APT to have a "bright" display, so I can see it outdoors during the day?

And when configuring a plan, how does one set an exposure time of fractions of a second? As a decimal? I tried that but it didn't appear to work (the image I saw was far brighter than the ones I'd previously taken). Could that be because I'd only chosen jpeg output in the plan rather than raw as is usually the case?


To set an exposure of a fraction of a second within a plan, simply write it as a fraction. For example, for 1 fiftieth of a second write 1/50 :)

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To set an exposure of a fraction of a second within a plan, simply write it as a fraction. For example, for 1 fiftieth of a second write 1/50 :)

That seems to work. I shall try it out later.



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Quite :) I realised that the biggest problem was actually the light reflected off me to the screen and back again, so I now prop an old sun shade in front of me. That does seem to help a lot, but I'd still prefer a brighter display to start with.


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