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Drift Aligning on a Sunspot

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I know that some people do this when there's no alternative, like when you've had no clear night-time sky for weeks and want to do some solar imaging.

Does it work exactly the same as for drift-aligning on distant stars, given that you don't have much choice about what you get to align on and that you can't chose different stars for alignment?


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Trial and error , I shot early in the morning and treated it like a star in the East , then again at 1pm and treated it as a star in the south , adjusting accordingly.

Didn't go over the top with it as I use the EQ3-2 for my solar shots and it's got no dedicated solar tracking rate so you still get a little drifting but nothing un-tweakable on the handset.

To keep the disc central I bring up "Mire de Collimation" and pop it over the disc in the Quick Preview box , easier to see the drift that way , I use a 1.8 x Barlow and it doesn't leave much "wiggle room" above and below the disc to the edge of the frame.


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