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Question on Skywatcher Goto

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Just out of curiosity, when I order a GOTO, what do I order?

Just the kit that takes me around to show stuff, or the motor drives as well?

The reason for asking this question is, I've ordered a set of motor drives for CG-5 which I want to upgrade to a goto later on in life. Does this means, that when the goto comes, I will have two sets of motor drives? (explicitly or implicitly), and if yes, I perhaps will do better to wait for a while and buy the goto directly and save on approximately 100£..!

Can some one please confirm if my thought is correct..



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Thanks Gaz.. I am going to buy the skywatcher's goto and not celestron's. Do I still need the full set, or can I buy the goto without the motors? If the latter is the case, then I might possibly wait until i save enough to buy the goto..!



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