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First attempt at viewing the sky - 16/08/2012


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I thought I would try out that night sky app and satellite tracker app on my iphone to track down some stars etc.

To my amazement so many things stood out when you know where you should be looking lol!

I saw, a SR-14 satellite, ISS and also managed to work out the Ursa Minor and Cassiopeia correlations. Even saw an asteroid or meteor if that was it because it looked like someone had got a paintbrush with gold paint and wiped it across the sky? ISS was well, quite shocking I saw something similar a year ago and I thought it was a flare being fired (close to a military site) at least I can explain it now - if it was that.

Quite an enjoyable experience.

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There great tools for finding your way round. I never had them 10yrs ago when I first took up stargazing. I was hopelessly lost.

i have a few apps on my phone now, and it makes it so much easier and interesting.

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