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Friday 17th (New Moon) - What to look for?

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Hi Guys!

This Friday seems like a perfect chance for me to have a decent night of stargazing, it's a weekend so don't have to be up early for work the next day, AND it's a new moon! All I can ask for is clear skies.

I've only had a chance to get out with my Skyliner 200p a few times in the past and it's always been a bit up in the air with what to go searching for. I also got my laser collimator and Telrad this week, so really really keen to put them to use!!

I will be out from around 11:30 until the early hours, as i'm sure many people will be with this opportunit. As a novice, what would you take the opportunity to search for??

I haven't had much chance to go deep sky hunting so i'm keen to go looking for a few Messier's.

Upon recommendation on SGL i got Turn Left at Orion, out of the Summer suggestions I was thinking;

- M13 globular cluster

- Cygnus Albireo double star

- M57 Lyra Ring Nebula

- M27 Dumbbell Nubula

- M8 Lagoon Nebula

Seem like a good spread or do you think i've missed anything something great?

Thanks in advance!

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Hey, I'm just starting out, but I've ticked off 3/5 of your list in the past couple of weeks and managed to get a glimpse of Andromeda last night too, although it was less than impressive, I'm assuming due to its low down location, LP etc. I failed to find a couple of other targets last night around Ursa Major, but again, that's going against the TLAO recommendations - if you stick with them I can't imagine you'll be far wrong.

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Given nothing but rain for the next few nights around me :(

Same here Matt, and its lashing it down at the moment :(

Another thing worth checking out is skymaps.com. Every month there is a free chart that you can download and print out and it has a list of some of the things worth looking at, listing things to see from just iwth the naked eye to using binoculars and a telescope. Not sure how good it actually is tho as the twice i've tried putting a list of targets together to try and locate using this and screen dumps off stellarium the clouds have come over.

Heres hoping you have clear skies for Friday :)

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