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First night out with the Telrad.

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After being very unsuccessful with my finderscope I have invested in a Telrad.

Tonight is going to be my first night of using it and I was wondering if anyone

could advise me of some easily found objects that can get me started.


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depends what time and your horizon [stellarium will be good ] have you got the telrad and scope set up so that when the smallest telrad circle is on the object the same object is in your eyepiece?

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What sort of view do you have from your garden? Is it restricted at all in any direction? No point recommending something that's going to spend all night behind next door's roof :)

M13, M57 and M27 would be good places to start on the grounds that you ought to be able to see straight up. The Coathanger, too. M31/M32/M110 if you're not totally blocked to the north east.

Nick pointed me to these maps earlier today. They have Telrad circles on that might be quite useful:



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Hello, v sorry to jump in but saw this post and didnt start new thread.

My first night wiith telrad too, hope u dont mind.

I have the SW 200p/EQ5 set up and as most of you know, it can get you in some strange positions when pointed in certain directions. I dont have the rings mod that allows me to spin the tube, but have got a Telrad to add to the finderscope but not sure where to place it.

Also I wondered if it works when placed at the back end of scope rather than up by the focuser, as the tube comes close to hitting the mount sometimes and this is a big part of why I'm asking - as well as general advice as to placing a Telrad on my 200p/EQ5.

Thanks for any advice or suggestions in advance.


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I have got a good view from the south through the west right up to the north. The east is a no go as my

house is in the way!

The Telrad is set up so that the smallest target circle is showing what I can see dead centre in the

eyepiece. Hopefully I have got this right.

I will be outside from about 10.15 until 12.30. I have been looking in my 'Turn Left At Orion' book but I

haven't got enough experience to know which objects will be the easiest to spot especially as the light

pollution is pretty dire around here.

Thanks for your help everyone.

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If the LP is bad then I'd forget about fainter objects such as M27 and M57 at first. M13 should be visible though, I'd have thought. I don't have any experience of observing in light pollution so others will have to guide you there, but I think sticking with globular clusters and double stars might be a good plan at first.

Given your description of what you can see I'd say look for objects in and around Cygnus, Ursa Major, Hercules, Bootes, Aquila and Ophiucus. Stellarium marks globular clusters as a circle with a cross through the middle.


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