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what can i expect to see in a 130p

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Hello, me again

As stated in earlier posts, I have bought a heritage 130p for use on hols in oz.(sorry, not big noting, just setting the scene) Last night while observing 47Tuc (ngc121) nr the small megallenic cloud (i'm a bad spller so this could be wrong) i started to browes the sky in that area. i came across a few objects that were no bigger than a star but it was definately fuzzy. when i came in i checked on stellerium but couldn't see anything brighter than mag 11 or 12. So my question is.... can this scope see these mags of am i letting my imagination run away. the skies are a lot darker than i'm used to near stoke but definately not a dark site. also the moon is still fairly bright. on stellariun there seems to be loads of galaxies in that part of the sky but most are around mag 12 so i don't want to spend hrs searching if my scope is not capable.I did google "130p magnitude capacity" but found nothing helpful. Sorry if this is a stupid question. :icon_scratch:


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http://www.cruxis.com/scope/limitingmagnitude.htm will give you your stellar limiting magnitude, which seems to match what you saw. But galaxies can be harder, as some have low surface brightness.

I'd say maybe try for one or two of them, and if you can get them you should be in with a chance of seeing more, while if you can't then you can go for brighter objects.

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I got smaller telescope than yours. Mine is 114/500 and i see 10mag stars from city :) And i see many deep sky objects. Almost all views depends on observer not on telescopes aperture. :) By the way galaxies and stars magnitudes ar a bit different. Sometimes you cant see galaxy witch mag is ~8 but you can see 10 mag stars. :) Oh and don't try to check out galaxies when the moon is so bright go for galaxies when there is no moon.

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