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2" diagonal for Nesxtar 6se?

i Drew

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Good day all, I was just wondering if it adviceable or does it make sense to change the diagonal on my nexstar 6se to 2"? Just in case I decide to use 2" eyepiece in the future. With the type of scope I have which i believe is f/10 sct would there be an advantage besides being able to use 2" eyepieces or it wouldn't matter? Should I just replace my current 1.25" that came with the telescope with a better quality? And if 2" does work for me what are good ones out there that has a 1.25" adapter.

Thanks and Clear skies!

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I would as i like 2 inch eyepieces. You also get better contrast with them ans a wider FOV, using them you will be able to see the largest field you scope can show. The down side is of course the price tags, the diagonal it not so bad but some of the eyepieces can exhaust the wallet.

I would also replace what came with the scope, they will not compair with better EP's on the market.


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I would as i like 2 inch eyepieces. You also get better contrast with them ans a wider FOV, using them you will be able to see the largest field you scope can show. The down side is of course the price tags, the diagonal it not so bad but some of the eyepieces can exhaust the wallet.

I would also replace what came with the scope, they will not compair with better EP's on the market.


Thanks, on the 1.25" i was actually talking about the diagonal that came with the scope, sorry :smiley: Anyway, are all 2" diagonal universal? Would any 2" diagonal fit on my sct and what's a good brand....my budget for this wold be no more than $150.

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A friend has a C6S (same scope) with 2" diagonal on the back. He made the mistake of buying the SCT version first but then found the diagonal couldn't be rotated as there wasn't enough clearance from the focuser knob. Could only rotate a small way. So he sent it back and replaced it with a 2" push fit diagonal and a 2" visual back. Works like a charm. His main reason for changing to the 2" was so he could use a Meade 5000 UWA 24mm. We were expecting it to vignette but not a hint of darkening, just a glorious widefield. I think anymore than the 24mm would have caused problems.

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On using eyepieces with wide field stops in a scope with a small rear aperture, you won't actually "see" vignetting if it's occurring but the image will be dimmer than using the same eyepiece in a scope where vignetting does not occur. You might need to compare the views side by side to see this though.

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I have a 2" GSO dielectric diagonal fitted to my 6SE and haven't looked back! I bought the SCT version, so it screws onto the back of the cell directly... with the SE mount being alt-az, just position it to point away from the focussing knob and it's more or less in the best position most of the time, I've not had the compulsion to rotate it.

I like the way it feels just feels more sturdy than the supplied diagonal, especially when holding my only 2" eyepiece, the Nagler, which works great btw. Nice "wide" (for a little SCT!) field of view, beautiful image :cool:

Agena currently have this of sale for $119 http://agenaastro.co...r-diagonal.html

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I was wondering if this is a good one (Celestron 2" xlt diagonal) http://www.amazon.com/Celestron-2-Inch-XLT-Diagonal-Telescope/dp/B000F8SZIG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343937858&sr=8-1&keywords=celestron+xlt I'm thinking since I'm using a celestron telescope might as well get one that engineered my scope.... has anyone tried this diagonal?

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I've not used the Celestron one but I notice that it has enhanced rather than dielectric coatings with 96% reflectivity. I use a push fit version of one of these GSO ones with my ED120 refractor:


They have the dielectric coatings and the specs say a 99% reflectivity and a mirror that is slightly more accurate than the Celestron. It's $30 less expensive too.

The GSO I have compares well with the much more expensive (like 3x as much) Tele Vue Everbright diagonal but it does not have the Celestron logo of course.

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