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Which DMK to image with a Lunt LS60?

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Hi again

I'm pretty much decided on the double stacked Lunt LS60 now as my new solar scope, I'd like to throw this one out there for help on deciding which CCD should complement it?

I like the IS CCD's so would like to buy another for the Lunt for solar.

Options are:

DMK 21AU04.AS Mono 1/4" CCD

DMK 31AU03.AS Mono 1/3" CCD

DMK 41AU02.AS Mono 1/2" CCD

I understand that they are all different chip sizes so I'm asking which one to go for please?

My preference so far is the DMK 31 as I have seen some really good solar images from that combination.

I'd appreciate your thoughts/ preferences and indeed if you already own and can recommend then even better.

Thanks for taking the time to read this

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Thanks Stuart,

The DMK 21 618 did cross my mind as I have the DFK 21 618 that I use for planetary and really like it. I was wondering why the 21 was a lot cheaper than the other 2 (almost £100) and was putting it down to maybe that it wouldn't be that suitable for some reason for solar.

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