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Gina, looks like you've got the data cables the wrong way round

Good heavens you're right! Looks like a case of "three sevens is twenty two" syndrome! :D I've swapped them round and... IT WORKS! :)
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Gina, looks like you've got the data cables the wrong way round

Yes, you're right there too :) The display is rather dim. I guess I could connect the -ve to Gnd and the +ve to a data pin so that I can turn the LED backlight on or off.
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Now connect that backlight wire to a PWM capable pin (the ones with a ~ in front) and control the brightness of the backlight. Use analogWrite(x) (0 <= x <= 255) to set a duty cycle.

That's a good idea :)
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Well I managed to get the l.e.d on my nano to blink on and off, but besides disconnecting it from the pc I don't know how to stop the the damn thing :confused: after much experimentation and hair pulling I managed to rename the libraries to match the sketch, it compiled and loaded ok with a flashing l.e.d which I think is a diagnostic to simulate the switching of the power transistors.

Now I have to get to building the rest of the circuit board to see if it all works as advertised, just spotted that the nano is the same size as the small blade on my swiss army cybertool penknife, now to decide on a prototype shield, a homemade pcb or strip board for the rest of the circuit.

Thanks Niel for your work in getting this to run with v1.0 it would have taken me a long long time to get it running. :rolleyes:

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Planning to add temperature and humidity sensors to my Arduino next and use a PWM output to control a power MOSFET for my camera cooling.

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Been looking into connecting up the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor but can't seem to find out which end the pins are numbered from. The data sheet doesn't say and there's no indication on the device itself. (No 1 or dent or spot etc.). Although they only cost a couple of quid I don't want to risk connecting it the wrong way round. Could someone enklighten me please? I have the sketch and libraries from the Arduino site.

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Got 1-wire DS18B28 temperature sensors working now :) Read the device IDs for each of three devices and put them in the test sketch and it's now reading these temperatures independently. One more stage completed :D

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Good job I didn't wait for the Nano to arrive 'coz it still hasn't come yet :( I ordered the Uno after the Nano mainly with the idea of eventually using it for a weather station, for which it seems ideally suited, but in the meantime for experimenting. I wanted a separate Arduino from the one in use for the camera cooling control.

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Now trying to sort out the DHT11 but getting lots of compiling errors. Copied DHT11.h and DHT11.cpp, made folder to take them in libraries and saved them there. Imported the libraries and been trying to run the test sketch. Taking the info from this Arduino web page :- http://arduino.cc/pl...d/Main/DHT11Lib. I changed the pin reference in the sketch to the one I'm using.

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As the DHT11 looks below the spec I want for my purposes, I've decided to go for the much better spec DHT22 and have ordered a couple. They should arrive in a few days time. Meanwhile it doesn't seem worth bothering to debug the DHT11 code - I'll wait for the DH22 and try to get that working.

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