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Well, this is different


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Tonight I am playing at DSO imaging for the first time ever, with my ST120 and LX-modded SPC900 on my EQ3-2 (unguided). Not the ideal combination, but the name of the game is fun and enlightenment. I'm not expecting to blow everyone's socks off here :)

It's a bit of a different game from planetary imaging though. Took me ages to get focus (I don't have a focus mask for the ST120, 'cos I like a challenge :), but now I have I can quite happily come indoors and read a bit of SGL in the knowledge that the target isn't going to wander out of frame in the next few minutes. It has made me realise quite how bad the (my) EQ3-2 is in terms of being a stable platform and explains many of the problems I've had to overcome for planetary imaging.

Anyhow the proof of the pudding is about 40% if you've put enough brandy in it, so I shall get back out there and get on with it and we shall see what disasters await in the morning...


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