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Using Mount Hub Pro to connect between EQMod and EQ Direct


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Firstly, I know there's a dedicated Yahoo Tech Group for EQMod, but often I find some of the technical jargon used prevents me from getting the most out of the site- so I though I try posting my question here!

Today I thought I'd try to reduce the number of cables running between mount/scope and laptop by connecting my USB EQ Dir module to a Mount Hub Pro USB socket, unfortunately EQMod did not detect the mount using this connection configuration. I have run other devices quite happily through the MHP USBs and wondered why I couldn't do this with EQMod.

Can anyone put me out of my misery?

All the best, Herrman

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Did you check in device manager what comm port was allocated to the EQDir? The EQMod toolbox port search may of got confused by other devices connected through the hub

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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Hi Kev,

Many thanks for such a prompt response!

Yes, when I found that EQMod was unable to locate the com port, I checked Device Manager and then manually set the com port number in EQMod setup. EQMod was still unable to locate the mount. I know EQMod's working ok, because I reconnected it the conventional format (EQMod/laptop>EQDir>NEQ6), and it worked a treat. I'll have another go tomorrow, and let you know how it goes.

All the best, Herrman

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Just an update...

Tried again running EQMOD through Mount Hub Pro yesterday- this time it worked a treat, EQMOD had no problem at all finding the comm port. No idea what the problem was.

Regards, Herrman

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I had similar problems where one time it would seem to work and another it just refused to connect. The solution, thanks to someone on this forum, was to ensure that every program module was running with Administrator rights.


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Hi David,

Many thanks for the tip about running with Admin rights.

I tested the EQMOD/Mount Hub Pro combination again over the weekend, and it's still connecting without issue, but if I get any further problems I'll be sure to check the Admin rights setup.

Many thanks, Herrman

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