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The core's gonna blow...help me, HELP ME!

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'Oh no...not more help needed for cloudbuster' i hear you all cry...and believe me when i say i share your pain, but this will be the last time of asking....me thinks?

I've blown-out the core of my M42...here's the incriminating evidence:

skywatcher 200pds 8"

Canon 40d

CLS light pollution filter

800 asa

11 subs 15 sec

10 subs 30 sec

10 subs 1 min

10 subs 2 min

10 subs 4 min

5 subs 5 min

darks as above, but with only 10 darks at 15 sec, instead of 11

40 bias 1/8000th sec

50 flats 1/250 mode

stacked in DSS

Processed in Pixinsight

someone told me: 'you might find that stacking only your shorter subs for the core layer will help preserve that detail.'

does anyone know how i go about this, and how, using Pixinsight, do i combine the images.

help much appreciated...honest g'vnor!


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looks great to me mate, but ive yet to spot my 1st messier yet lol :( i wish i could even give u tips mate but id be happy to even see one yet. let alone anything like 10% of your pic :D good luck with getting it better mate!! will be pulling up a chair on this one and cant wait to see your finished pic buddy!!! :D

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What I did with PI is to use:

* registration to get the images in the same locations (for long and short exposures)

* the range tool to create a mask

* use the mask to remove the core

* process the outside

* process the inside

* use the mask to separate the inside

* then use pixel maths todo insideImage + outsideImage and bingo a combined image

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sorry dont mean to but in, what is the name of the program i cant make it out in your video, or a link to download it, thanks mate, edit got it now, ahh its pixinsight! i was trying to find where to download that program earlier, but no luck :( do you have to pay for it?

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