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Focal reducer on ST80?

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Hi guys,

When imaging I have a 150pds with a DSLR and for guiding I use the ST80 with a quickcam pro.

They both have a focal ratio of f5.

If I look at the capture windows, I have a wider FOV on the DSLR than on the cam.

Obviously this is not handy for guiding purposes.

I would like to have a wider FOV on my ST80, would a focal reducer help?


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A focal reducer could almost cost as much as another guide scope, I'm not sure that you can get FC for F5 scopes at anything other than expensive.

Another point is that your FOV should be large enough in an 80mm F5, why can't you see a guide star, your OK down to Mag 11,5 or so with what you are using albeit in dark skies.


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It might be because of the webcam, small chip is small FOV I think.

quickcam might also not be suitable for those mags..

I found a cheap focal reducer on ebay, will see how that goes.

thanks for your input.


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