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LZOS / Rubinar 10/1000 Camera lens as scope

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Just for giggles, I've converted an old Soviet Rubinar camera lens to a telescope. The lens is a catadioptric design made by LZOS (maker of Tal glass, amongst other things) with a 1000mm focal length. LZOS also say these are suitable for astronomy, and actually add a visual back and EP's for that very purpose.

I decided to see if i could make a cheap grab and go scope of sorts as it fits on a camera tripod so added an M42/1 to t-thread adapter and EP holder to it. Just looking forward to a clear night to test it now!




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Niccce !

Markus Ludes of APM once had a section of their website that explained how to convert the two types of 1000mm FL lenses. There is a method to be able to let you obtain more infocus, that'll let you use a diagonal. I'll have a hunt and try to find it. Worst case, I have a print out that I can scan regarding it.

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Niccce !

Markus Ludes of APM once had a section of their website that explained how to convert the two types of 1000mm FL lenses. There is a method to be able to let you obtain more infocus, that'll let you use a diagonal. I'll have a hunt and try to find it. Worst case, I have a print out that I can scan regarding it.

I've seen this: http://web.archive.org/web/20011124004008/http://www.apm-telescopes.de/products/techspec/bw_improve.htm which I think is what you mean, but thanks for the offer of scanning. It's basically removing the infinity stop ring - it looks like a simple enough modification.

LZOS also do a 'Turist'-type attachment with an M42 thread for use with these (and other) camera lenses.

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Yeah, that's the one !

I've got the latter M42 attachment for lenses. I nearly died when I saw what price it's for sale at , these days ! Hopefully the site I looked at was simply extracting salty ammonia based liquids.

The item works well though.


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Finally got a first light of sorts, visibility wasn't great but managed to get it outside for a play at least.


  • Optical quality is excellant right across the FOV, it's bright and sharp. I read somewhere that it has a clear aperture of 100mm, and it's got a similar image quality to my Tal (both being 100mm F10 scopes), without any hint of the CA the Tal can get on bright objects.
  • It's SO portable. Even with a big EP it's around 10" long, and it's not massively heavy.


  • The tripod mount is on a sleave containing bearings, allowing the tube to rotate with 4 'preset' click stops. This is great for framing, however focusing is also done by rotating the focusing collar and it has similar resistance to the tripod sleave making focusing a two handed job. One handed focusing just spins the lens in the sleave!
  • Focusing is a bit of a task. A better solution would have been a visual back with a helical focuser, course focus could have been achieved with the lens and fine focus with the EP holder.
  • With the long focal length, a finderscope of sorts would have been helpful. It's managable though, especially with my UWAN's.

To summarise I think it's a good quality camera lens and ok as a grab and go scope, it's not really any less hassle to set up than my Tal/AZ4 combination but it's much more portable. Image quality has a slight edge on the Tal, but not by much. With a helical EP holder it would be very good and with a diagonal, it would be excellent.

It's been fun, but I don't really know what i'll do with it - the opportunities for using a 1000mm camera lens are fairly rare, and I think for an impromptu session, the Tal will always get the nod.

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