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Astronomers Nutrition - Carrots??


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Eating Carrots can make you see better in the dark. C'mon! It's the same as your mum telling you if eat any more chocolate bars you'll turn into one.

If you want to see better in the dark, get a bigger scope, it's that simple :D


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It's the same as your mum telling you if eat any more chocolate bars you'll turn into one.


I wish - then I could bite my nails all the time!

so that means your buggered in those departments james eating all those mars bars at SP3.5! LOL just messing!

Darren :)

Well, yep - however my wife's last day at work is tomorrow - as of Friday I start to cycle to work. That should justify the Mars Bars... :D

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During World War II, the British Royal Air Force invented the myth tying carrots to clear, sharp vision as a way to explain the sudden increase in [removed word] bombers being shot down. A disinformation campaign spread the rumor that British fighter pilots were eating carrots to improve their vision, when in reality the British had a new radar system they wanted to keep secret from Germany. The story caught on though, and it remains popular to this day.

Thanks, I've never heard that before... it's very interesting! :D

There have also been discussions regarding the use of Bilberry to improve night vision.

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