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Better choice

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Depends on what you want/need it for.

If you cannot locate a thing and so need goto then the EQ3, if you can locate objects reasonably well then the EQ5 is more solid and it will track once you have located the object.

Small point but the EQ5 will not need to be replaced (if at all) as soon as the EQ3 will.

Possibly depends if the intention is astrophotography at some time.

You could add goto to the EQ5 although not inexpensive in the future.

The EQ5 would appear to be the most flexible.

Just read about AP, I would opt for the EQ5 therefore and use it driven only, could be more difficult locating the very faint items, but don't try them at first just get used to AP. Also get RA and Dec motors not just RA - no great additional cost and a lot more useful.

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Ok thanks a lot. I am just beginning in AP and have taken a few afocal shots of the moon. Now I want to try out DSOs. Well the EQ5 seems the best logical choice. So will now read a little and then decide.

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you mention for AP, so I think the EQ3 will not be up to it, for long exposures anyway. Is the 5kg weight including your camera, mounting rings and dovetail? Your kits needs to be about half the mounts weight capacity for good AP performance. How are you at finding stuff?

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Sorry to be a pest but the HEQ5 is way, way better for AP than the EQ5. The stepper motors have finer steps for autoguing and it is more solid. I know it's more expensive but it might be worth the wait. Also GoTo is not, for AP, what it is for visual observing. You absolutely do not want to be taking your camera on and off to put EPs in for searching. You lose critical focus, which can take several minutes to find even with Bahtinov masks or FWHM measurement. If you need to slew to a bright star for focusing and slew back again, or if you lose your guide star to a passing cloud, you would waste an incredible amount of precious exposure time. You also want to avoid changing camera orientation during a run. Taking the camera out is animaging 'no-no!' Also, very simply, you will routinely want to image targets that are totally invisible visually in any telescope.



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Just one thing , you mention your scope weighs 5kg , but 5 kg of 3 1/2 feet long refractor will tax even an HEQ5 , but 5kg of 12 inch Mak, wont tax an EQ3-2 , so what type or scopoe do you have ? if you dont mind .

I would go the HEQ5 route , but if you dont have to buy the EQ5 and put the change into a cheep guide scope / auto guider package ? ..

Just a thought .


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Definatly the HEQ5 then , I have one in storage in New Zealand ( I an currently working in Australia ) holding my 6 inch f/8 Chromocorred refractor . and with a William Optics hard wood tripod its very sturdy , and the 6 inch is heavy and long , thats why I asked .

Good luck mate.


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