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Baader Steeltrack Focuser On Sw 200P - Advice Please

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Dear SGL

In proper newbie style I have bought a new focuser for my Skywatcher 200p without having enough skill/knowledge to actually fit the thing. Having done my research on here I plumped for the Baader Steeltrack as it seemed to get good reviews, I already have the Hyperion zoom EP & barlow and I have been impressed by the quality of their products.

So the box arrives from Teleskop Service (thanks to the good rate on the Euro) in quick time - I will be buying from them again. On unpacking and comparing to the standard single speed crayford that the telescope was supplied with it is apparent that the mounting bolts for the Baader require a different alignment. Now I am quite happy drilling holes and the like but I feel I would benefit from other peoples experience here before I get the drill out and bodge it badly and make expensive mistakes. I have searched for other similar experience on SGL and not turned up much. So questions in my mind are:

1. How accurate does the positioning of the new focuser have to be in relation to the secondary mirror etc? I can measure the position of the new bolt holes and get things broadly right but it will never be perfect. I am hoping the answer is that yes it will be OK but the secondary might need realighning a bit, followed by collimation.

2. The Baader requires a much smaller focusing tube cut out in the scope than the SW stock crayford - so there will be open space in places around the new focuser. How much of a problem will this be? It will look bad but a bit of gaffer tape would do the job. An adapter plate would be the best answer I think, are there such things available? I haven't been able to find any.

3. Where might I get the right size bolts to fit the Baader?

4. Am I barking up the wrong tree here and should I swallow my pride, put the Baader on ebay and just get a SW dual speed?

The new focuser has quality written all over it - it looks and feels great. But it would look better on the telescope.

Thanks for your help in anticipation!


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The Sky at Night Magazine this month have a 'How To' article showing you exactly how to fit this focuser with details of how to maintain alignment with the secondary.

Wow - many thanks for the heads up Steve. I'll be off to the shops then.


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  • 2 months later...

Martin, did the modification turn out to be an easy one? I will have to do exactly the same with my SW 200P... Could you post a scan or smth from this "how to" from Sky at Night Magazine (I'm not sure if we have it here in Bulgaria)?

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