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Narcoleptic Stargazers?

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As a sufferer from the rather rare sleep disorder Narcolepsy (with Cataplexy), I wondered if any other members of this site also had the condition? I have yet to meet anybody else who has it, so would welcome any replies... :laugh:

To be able to enjoy a nocturnal hobby such as stargazing seems somewhat ironic (almost paradoxical) for one who can almost instantly nod off at any moment! :grin:

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Thanks for the reply.

I (and my girlfriend!) can certainly vouch for the fact that I can quite easily fall asleep standing up...

In all seriousness though, if you think that you may have it, I urge you to have it investigated: it takes a long time (and a lot of testing) to get it diagnosed, but once a diagnosis is reached it is a huge relief to get it, as (a. it proves that you are not just lazy :laugh: , and (b. you will be prescribed medication which makes a HUGE difference to your day-to-day life (in my case, 400mg of Modafinil per day keeps that sleepiness away!)

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I used to fall asleep whenever I sat for more than a few minutes and always feel tired but can never get enough sleep, this along with quite a few other symptoms was diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with me.

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I thought I was narcoleptic, but the doctors diagnosed a similar condition called "parenthood".


You must be joking ... mine never let me sleep,

BUT back to the op, can imagine its quite a concern for you and your girlfriend, glad you seem to have it under control

Sent from my HD2Droid

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I know that feeling...

The symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are truly vile (I know some people who have it!)

Though the symptoms are not the same as Narcolepsy (as CFS relates to the muscles as well as to sleep) there is some overlap, and I do sympathise with you, and hope that you have found some relief.

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Thanks for the replies!

It is indeed under control thanks to the wonders of medication, and the support of my beloved girlfriend :kiss:

Narcolepsy may be an odd, misunderstood, and at times debilitating, condition- but the ability to fall immediately into a dream can be quite fun; and I wouldn't change it!

Funny how I rarely nod off whilst stargazing, or playing guitar: it is usually triggered by anger- which is hard to feel when rockin' out on my Les Paul, or enjoying the delights of the universe (unless that elusive 'faint fuzzy' fails to put in an appearance, that is... :grin: )

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When I started to 'astronomize' years ago I was a racing cyclist and constantly, totally, exhausted. I fell alseep in restaurants while eating, with my head against the speakers at parties... etc etc!

Astronomy cured me. It is now my work and I can be up and about for 18 hours a day without too many ill effects. I may not live to be old but I'm too old to die young so you may have hit upon the cure!!

The world is a crazy place...


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