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Ep And Barlow Question.

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So I thought about buying a cheap EP kit, but scraped that idea and decided to go for a mid price range EP and barlow.(since I would like to have some decent EP's when I upgrade)

Right now I am using the Celestron Travel Scope 70, Its a refractor with a 70mm aperture and and 400mm focal length. I have been looking at the Celestron X-Cel LX 7mm EP and the TeleVue 2X barlow. This combo would give me 57X and 114X mag.

So is this asking too much from this little scope? From what I have been reading I think it will, but I just want some other opinions and advise before I make the purchase.

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The travelscope 70 really does not work well at high magnifications. Its designed to be a widefield scope so is happier when using lower mag EP's such as 20mm etc.

However, if you mount it on a sturdier tripod then the supplied one, you can push the magnification up a good bit.

I often use my travelscope on a Horizon 8115 tripod which allows me to crank up the magnification.

On the supplied tripod, a 7mm EP and a barlow of any kind will really be a waste of money.

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I have a nice sturdy tripod for the wife's DSLR camera that I have been using, since like you said, the one supplied leaves a lot to desired. So the mount is really not what i'm worried about. From your experience with this scope, will it focus properly at these magnifications?

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It will never focus on or give you great views of DSO's or planets. Its simply not designed to do so. You will get great views of the moon and constellations,asterisms etc.

With a sturdy tripod you should get good Lunar views with a 7mm EP but i would not add a 2x barlow into the equation.

With the right solar filter (Badder solar filter sheet), it should give you GOOD views of Sun spots.

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No need for a 2x barlow when you already have a 10mm,20mm EP.

The Celestron Travelscope70, really is a great little scope when you use it for what it is designed to do.

I bought it for the sole purpose of taking it abroad with me for very casual observing.

But it is so well made,portable etc that i am now going to use it at home for solar imaging/observing.

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