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I'm apparently a scope owner now.

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My Skywatcher Heritage 130P arrived today! :(

It's now unboxed and standing on the kitchen table. Nice piece of equipment by the looks of it. And judging from reading about it on this nice forum it is. Seems to be quite a few happy owners here.

Although I intend to get a bigger scope later (still trying to decide between an 8" newt on EQ or a 10" dob), I thought it was time to get an introduction to telescopes. Looking forward to first light with this little wonder.

Oh by the way, as far as I can tell, no cloudes escaped the box when I opened it. :(

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Hi TractionMan,

Have fun with your new scope - there's lots you'll be able to see with it. Don't rush to upgrade, enjoy this scope and get some experience first.

I recommend Saturn as your 1st target - you'll love it :(

You might not have seen any clouds escaping, but we know who to blame if tonight's a wash out :(

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I seen lots of posts on this Heritage 130p So a good move in starting out.

As to a 8" newt or 10" (DOB) You have to ask your self am I going to do imageing at any time ,If so you be looking for a good mount for the 8" newt something like a HEQ5, But the 10" dob will let you see more, So I say use your 130p and keep reading the post on here till you are ready to go down that road..


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Congrats on your new toy,

I nearly went for that one myself, ended up with a 130P supatrak, which arrived last Thursday :-)

I echo the above posts, Sat night I zeroed in on Saturn with my 10mm EP and 2x barlow (130x mag) and it made me feel like a kid again, what a rush!! you will not be disappointed.

Happy viewing


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Oh nooooo! I was wrong about the clouds. They did manage to escape after all. Was looking forward to first light with my scope, but I got home from work last night, only to find a solid cloud cover.

I do hope the clouds won't make it from Sweden to UK or where ever you are. :(

As to upgrading, I'm in no hurry what so ever. A bigger scope might come in the future. I'm sure I'll enjoy this one for quite some some. After all, I've been really amazed by the view with my binos this past autumn and winter.

Doing some research on better EP's though. Not in a hurry with that either though.

Have a nice day/night!

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