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Venus / The Sun

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Is it suppose to be crossing in front of the sun around the 8th of June? Roughly what time will it start/stop? Thanks. :)

Here's a link - http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/may/13/starwatch-venus-transit-sun-planets

From the UK, we can only see the last part of the transit of Venus at sunrise on Weds 6th June.

You will need to be somewhere with a view of the northeast horizon. From my location (Essex UK) sunrise is around 4.45 am BST, and the event is over by 5.55 am.

Some of my club (me included) will be trying to catch a glimpse.

The chance of success is not good, but the rarity of these events (the next one is 2017) makes it worth a try.

Have a look here regarding eye safety - http://sunearthday.nasa.gov/2012/transit/viewing.php

Good luck :) Ed.

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Some of my club (me included) will be trying to catch a glimpse.

The chance of success is not good, but the rarity of these events (the next one is 2017) makes it worth a try.

Good luck :) Ed.

The next transit, following June 6th, is in 105 years so it will actually be in 2117, so worth a look this time for definite. There's a good definition of the cycle at:



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