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Saturn 12th may


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here is my first attempt at imaging Saturn i am quite happy with the results but im not sure on how to get the colours so i kept it black and white for now. the pic is straight out of registax so if anyone can post me some Photoshop tuts on how to make it better in anyway will be much appreciated :) i used 1300 frames and manual tracked (alot harder than expected haha)

crit very much welcome :headbang:


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im fairly new here so i hope you dont mind me sharing what i do on colour imaging of saturn.

I took multiple shots and various saturations. I find most detail is obtained in the nearly mono image, i then took a 25% colour, 75% colour and full colour image.

the full colour come's out pretty bad, but i find that i get a nice ring colour from the lower saturation images and a body colour from higher.

i then use photoshop elements (it came pre-installed in my laptop :) )to layer the images up,

I mask out the rings so the colour of the ring shows though. though the body.

In my limited experience the colour seems to wash out any detail so thats where the mono image comes in, you can layer the mono image over the top to bring out the shading.

I am commenting as a novice, and from someone that has very cheap equipment!

i hope this helped


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Thats a very good first attempt, especially considering it's hand tracked.

a x3 will make the image fainter and the extra mag will make it a bit harder to track, though I can't say whether that will make it unsuitable for your scope or not.

Have you tried a piece of software called 'castrator', it should crop the avi, centering the planet and cropping a lot of the empty space from around the edge, saving you disk space and processing time.

Not too sure how to improve the image processing - did you stretch the histogram in Reg? That would make the image brighter. Did you try using the wavelets to sharpen and bring out detail?

Great first attempt though, well done

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Thanks for the info Zakk I will give it a try next time were blessed with a clear sky. Waybig I have heard of it but not got round to trying it yet I will because my files are just short off 4gb. I've tryed stretching the histogram and restacking but I think it was the capture itself that is noisy so I'll try some new settings next time.

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