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M5 needs no introductions, a bright and easy to find Globular cluster glittering with stars.

This is an image that I had trouble with and was followed by the technically better NGC6760... never the less with a bit of help from IRIS I've managed to rescue it.

Setup: 24 x 3 minutes, darks, no flats. 12" F5 windowed Newt, 383L+ (mono), lodestar + SX-OAG, PHD guideing, Fullerscope MkIV mount, IRIS processing.

thanks for looking



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Well that was as clear as mud, I dont think any one yet has been able to clarify for me how gobular clusters came into being Im not even sure any one really knows even. Thanks for posting though that guy talked way to fast for me to take anything in my dyslexic head sorry.

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Very nice glob, you have done a great job to be able to define individual stars in the core.

now if some one would explain to me just how are these cluster formed that would be even better

Good one for the physics discussion board, its easy to summise but difficult to conclude. Part of the reason these are such a fascinating target to image is the strange nature of them.

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I love finding extra things in images..

Had a really good look at the origional data and found a smudge in one corner (centre of this very pushed crop)


Turns out it's IC4537, a 16th magnitude galaxy. (I've seen some onine suggestions it's mag 14, but I measured it as 15.7, so I'll go with Mag 16)


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