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NGC4565 needle galaxy (Coma berenices)

Luis Campos

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Hi all,

Another test image with my peltier cooled and Baader modded 350D.

This time is NGC4565 made on my back yard in suburban skyes (mag. 4 to 4.5 at best) taken with my 12" GSO newtonian riding an EQ6 on a mini pier, took only 30 min. exposure (10x3 min. @ 800 ISO) before the darn clouds rolled in still quite pleased with the detail i got, this 12" really pulls in quite a good resolution allthough it's limited for sure by the mount accuracy, not bad by all means but could be better :)

I also find out afther some thinking that I had a problem with diferencial flexure, the guide graph was ok but i had some trailing in some frames and also i had to refocus like every ten minutes or so, so i turned my attention the the primary mirror springs, I exchanged the original ones with some heavy duty springs but still not rigid enough to cope with a mirror of this size and weight, so new springs to the rescue, I got them from a bicycle supension fork, cut them to size with a dremmel and replace the springs, I've tried looking at the cap hole in the eyepice and moving the tube from one side to the other i cant see even the slightest movement on the primary...looks good now :headbang:

So here goes the galaxy, one version in color another in BW and another in BW full size (link).

Hope you enjoy,




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I love the fact that there are two smaller galaxies in the background, this is a fantastic photograph!

Thank you, in the full size version you can see some more but the lp doens't allow for much more...have to try this one on a better sky :)



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