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2 questions

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1. Is it possible to change your user name? Have looked through the Control panel but cannot see a link.

2. When you have downloaded pictures and they are in your attchments file (Control panel), how do you use them again for perhaps a different thread. At the moment I have to download them each time - is there an easier way please?

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not sure about point one Richard but as long as your photos are set up in your album all I do is click on the photo itself (I usually open up SGL in another tab to do this) then right click on the bb code underneath the photo and cut and paste into the thread you are involved with - you certainly don't need to download it twice- not sure if this is what your referring to or not ?

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Thanks all - it was just that my username has been 'sologuitarist61' on various sites since I was 61 and just wondered if I could change it to my actual age of 65. But it really doesn't matter too much, as I will be 66 next year, 67 the year after and so on (God willing!) :clouds2:

Kirsty - I would start up another account for yourself, then you can pick a daft username like the rest of us :icon_scratch:

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