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film idea relating to science


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basically.. i'm writing a film and i was hoping to get some insight from some experienced astrologers on a character i'm developing.

he works in the field of science or astronomy for the government and his funding has been cut leaving him without a job (not the main focal point of the plot just some back story)

i was wondering if any one knows of some examples where this has happened for eg. the cancelation of moon mission by the united states.

really they could be hypothetical. something that is important in the research/exploration of our universe. as it would be more unexpected for the character and controversial.

if any one had ANY thoughts i would really appreciate it. perhaps it may be a good focal point for discussion - what would effect the exploration of space and the possible repercussions they would have!

if this is in the wrong thread i apologies.

lets get creative :clouds2:

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basically.. i'm writing a film and i was hoping to get some insight from some experienced astrologers on a character i'm developing.

red rag... bull...

I'm guessing but this isn't going to end up being a useful thread for a screenwriter, just a thread on 'commoners' calling astronomers crackpots.... I mean astologers, sorry.

in fact that could be in the film... someone asks astronomer why they do 'astrology' cut scene to A&E department....:clouds2:

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lmao sorry i made a mistake, i'm not all ways the sharpest! so can i rephrase that to astronomers please! and i'd like to add, even a link to a use-full site would do.

can see i'm off to a good start :/

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A current topic (to make the story sound current) could be someone who was refused a grant to invent asteroid farming probes/machinery or space refineries. There was a story just last week about the billionaires who are funding a mission to the larger asteroids to mine them for precious metals. That might work.

If you want something a little more likely then a scientsit who got refused a research grant to study exoplanet biology using a new spectroscopy technique (do some wikipedia to get your back story fleshed out a little with some detail).

Or you could say the guy or gal wanted to see if the moon was made of cheese? I predict your week will be a good one, you will meet a new friend. There will be some money questions and concerns in the middle of the week but by the end of the week you will feel happy and content with your family and friends.

There will probably be clouds.

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Or you could say the guy or gal wanted to see if the moon was made of cheese?

If this is the topic of film then i can see this ending up in "worse,film,youve,ever,seen" thread lol


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You don't say whether the film is in a contemporary setting. There could be an interesting screenplay here - scroll down and read THE BEGINNING OF THE END and THE FINAL CHAPTER. Government skulduggery ... nothing changes!

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at the moment the story is contemporary but that could change and the plot is mainly a look at human behavior, what's accepted etc. but also asks questions on social norms and why they are accepted.

it is not a story about science but i felt that being an astronomer suited the protagonist greatly for details i wont go into at the moment.

he needs to lose his job, to an injustice or corruption that benefits "someone" else, but it has to be something that effects a majority even if they dont know it as this is the main catalyst.

i read the articles 'biopic' and it was interesting i couldn't use the whole thing for this project but it is a good read and has give me inspiration, thank you.

it could be that the government closed an establishment down so that they could afford new funding for the armed forces or weaponry. basically taking the funding from something positive and redirecting it into a negative. maybe the protagonist was close to discovering something new or on the breakthrough of something, which would unsettle the justification for closing the establishment but thats a little cliche sounding :clouds2:

or it could be a school?

this may sound a bit daft, but its because i'm just waffling a little. its more fleshed out in my head i'm just trying to convey some sort of structure so you can gather what im looking for!

so im just trying to figure out what my scientific protagonist was doing when he lost his job? but something that is plausible and controversial enough to question why it happend!

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like Prof Antonio Ereditato, an interesting take thanks i'll have to look more into it!

apparently opera, icarus and 2 other teams are testing again this month i dont know if they have yet but it would be interesting to hear there findings!

one thing i dont understand is how they could use two different formulas to measure the speed of the neutrinos? if opera were right and they potentially proved time travel possible that would be astounding!

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yeah. obviously the media is sayng that it was all a mistake now... but the implications are rather grand if they proved that things can go faster than light so they'd have to put a can over it even if it was proved correct. Societies need firm boundaries to survive.

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i agree, plus the technological advancements it could give governments in military craft etc. but it would be seen as embarrassing for other scientists that believed in einsteins theory although they should embrace it if its the truth.

move over bullet train, today we'll get you to your stop... yesterday?

one thing i dont understand with time travel is it possible to actually go back in time, i understand going into the future in comparison its simple but how could you reverse time.

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What era are you thinking of, now, Edwardian <rolls eyes>, future ?

Could see it as a passion the character has, to know he/she is right, only to get the elbow form them (enter funding association here also see Contact the film). Then to get his/her break later on in life proving the work.

Queue sunset.

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that sounds interesting might have to look that up, but its not going to work for this story thanks anyway!

i think im going to mix it up from the suggestions..... the scientist travels to the future builds a ray gun that runs on cold fusion to destroy the moon and harvest its cheese this creates a global effect where the clouds disappear and the tidal movements increase erratically ... then i'll just cut in some footage from '2012' and i've got myself a blockbuster.

if you or i were developing research and one day the government closed us down even though the work was important, at present day what would that re-search possibly be?

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