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Barlow Recommendation

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For the money the TAL is great. The Skywatcher deluxe is not great, I had one and compared it to my TAL and my Revelation and it was markedly poor in comparison to both. The Revelation isn't a bad barlow but the TAL is better.

I have to say - I've recently sold my Skywatcher Deluxe and have a Tal x2 and if the truth be told I see little difference between them.

having said that I used the Skywatcher mainly with the 25mm and the Tal has been pushed harder with more demanding lens but in all honesty I don't think theres that huge amount of difference at all.

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Just a question that keep popping into my head (maybe misguided, you never know) but, are fast newts (explorer 200P) as unforgiving with the cheaper-end barlows as they are with eyepieces?

I have been contemplating the Baader zoom-matched barlow to go with my Baader zoom, but it is over twice the price of the Tal.

Would it be a worthwhile investment?


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Celestron/Revelation x2- the one with the screw-off lens.

I use it as a x1.5. Find it really good.

Doesn't lengthen the EP ridicuously and gives great high-poer views without any distortion.

Star-tests are equally good with and without the lens screwed on my higher power EPs.

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Ditto Tal x 2 rocks and is great for a budget Barlow. I understand they can be tricky to get hold of at the moment. Heard good things about the Celestron Ultima x 2 and also the Sky-watcher deluxe x 2. Obviously the Televue x 2 will probably beat all the above, but comes at a cost £100.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Barlow from the Revelation EP set I have, it's a 2x one and to be honest it's the most disappointing part of the kit....does anybody have any experience with the Tal and the Revelation? I'm looking to upgrade but would like some opinions if it's a big step up.

Some of my bet moon images were used with a x2rev barlow worked great have you tried it with any other eps?


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