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AP with 1100 d

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OK, I've got an 1100d, t2 and a explorer 200p on eq5, No guiding, no motors, thats it. is there any ap I can do with this setup until I can get ra motors etc. I know it's far from ideal but i'd just like to "play around" with what i've got or am I better off sticking with my xbox cam until i get better equipt, i realize make every photon count will help me out but i haven't got it (yet). any advice would be appreciated


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Have you tried photographing the moon? It should be fairly easy to get something worthwhile as you'll be able to use fast shutter speeds. The moon will probably move through the field of view pretty quickly so you'll have to move the scope before each shot.

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Apart from the moon and maybe some quick shots of nice coloured doubles I don't think you'll be able to do much until you get tracking motors.

The 200P is a really big scope to put on an EQ5 for astrophotography. Start saving for an NEQ6 and an autoguider if you want to image at 1000mm focal length.

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Have you tried photographing the moon? It should be fairly easy to get something worthwhile as you'll be able to use fast shutter speeds. The moon will probably move through the field of view pretty quickly so you'll have to move the scope before each shot.

thanks for that stargazer51n, to be honest i haven't even used the camera. its my daughters and i was walking past a camera shop today and just ducked in on a whim and bought the t2. i suppose a bit of reading is needed. i didn't know if i could use the camera in video mode like a webcam?:hello2:

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Apart from the moon and maybe some quick shots of nice coloured doubles I don't think you'll be able to do much until you get tracking motors.

The 200P is a really big scope to put on an EQ5 for astrophotography. Start saving for an NEQ6 and an autoguider if you want to image at 1000mm focal length.

thanks rik, i didn't really buy the scope for ap but seeing my daughter bought the camera i thought i'd give it a whirl.

an NEQ6 is way out of my budget at the moment.

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Single shots of the moon are great fun to do so give it a go. You could buy or make a Baader Astrosolar film filter and do the same with the sun. An off axis filter would be perfect.

Be warned it's the start of the slippery slope :hello2:

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thanks for that stargazer51n, to be honest i haven't even used the camera. its my daughters and i was walking past a camera shop today and just ducked in on a whim and bought the t2. i suppose a bit of reading is needed. i didn't know if i could use the camera in video mode like a webcam?:)

Hi auspom,

A DSLR's video mode isn't suitable for ap. I can't remember the reason exactly but I think it's to do with the camera having to compress the data (maybe someone else on SGL can elaborate :hello2: )

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well, i've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that an neq6 is the way to go for ap but it's gunna take me about a yr so save for it so.... for now i'll have to be content with my eq5, get some motors and a copy of M.E.P.C. at least then it'll give me 12 mths to work out if ap is for me. Thats the plan anyway...:hello2:

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For deep sky AP the mount is the most important part.

I understand that but right now i've got an eq5 so i'll have to make do with that while i'm saving. I mean, a lesser mount didn't stop you from taking some nice images until you got your neq6. I will get a better mount eventually but i still want to experiment, practice and learn while i'm waiting.who knows, i might realise that i prefer visual and save myself the best part of a grand.:hello2:

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i still want to experiment, practice and learn while i'm waiting.who knows, i might realise that i prefer visual and save myself the best part of a grand.:hello2:

That was exactly my thinking with the EQ3-2. No way I would spend £,£££ just to see if I liked it. I thought I would be a strictly visual observer. It was my wife and a good friend who both said I should have a go at imaging.

You can get some nice shots with the 200P and an EQ5, it just takes effort and you will loose about half of the exposures to the shakes. If you just take more frames to compensate for the ones you loose you can end up with a fair result.

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It was my wife and a good friend who both said I should have a go at imaging.

I thought i would get some resistance off my wife when i told her i was saving for another mount but she just seems to be happy that i'm so keen on something. If i still played golf i'd have to spend that on a set of clubs then i'd have membership fees etc so its still a reasonably cheap past time.

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