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baader solar film

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hi guys/ gals

was looking at getting a solar film cover for a meade ext 90 like the astrozap solar filter but i cant find them in the uk [FLO aint got in stock and neither has telescope house ] anyone got any idea's where to go in uk [i know it's an old scope but still good]ai know i can buy the baader film for 20 quid but dont realy trust my diy [prefer a manufactured cover ]or is it esy to do and how do you attach it to scope ?



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green witch says they have some in stock (not sure if its the premade, and theres always the 1000 oaks stuff. try scopes an skys as they sell some meade stuff and iv seen sun filters for meades on there

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can get the film but was looking for the actual solar filter with adaptor fitted http://www.optcorp.com/productImage.aspx?pid=10808 like this [not very good at diy [if a 4 pound hammer doesn't work then it obviously need's a bigger hammer is my moto ]

i can get it from usa for $52 from astro zap but don't know if i should use them as i have never ordered from usa b4 and flo is out of stock

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just got to praise FLO and james especially who pm'd me last night saying there were new filter's coming today and he would hold 1 back for me .It is quite rare for such an excellent service and can only say thank you

cheers dave

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