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Lunar Mosaic, 1st attempt to touch up. Opinions?


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Hey all...

Inspired by Tiddles fixing and touching up my mosaic from a few weeks back, i decided to finally give it a go myself.

I don't have photoshop and i'm not clued up much on GIMP, so in the end up i used ....picasa.. of all things.

How do you think i did?

Equipment - 60mm f12 Celestron LCM and a MS Lifecam Cinema with Neo IR/UV filter

Criticism welcome :(

EIDT: Wooops... Pics way to big for embedding....i'll give links instead!

Original: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e193/Monki77/Space/MoonFULL-Copy.jpg

Tweaked: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e193/Monki77/Space/MoonTouchup.jpg

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from the smaller view of the images, it looks like you've done quite a nice job there. If you load each avi into imerge as you shoot, you can make sure you have enough overlap to not miss any bits, saves having to try and patch it up after :(

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Ah thanks for that I didn't know, I'll give that a try next time so I don't mess up hehe. It was originally 1 video where I just panned around the moon, stopping for a minute or so at each point. I then cut out each segment using virtual dub and ran them through registax trying to keep the same settings each time.

When I finally put each image into MS ice I was gutted when I saw I'd missed 2 little parts :(

I think my mission over the year should be to try capture the moon at each state then make a phase gif. That would be ace :D

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Thanks :hello2:

I did manage to get rid of most the red in the tweaked picture, but the top left still holds some tint. Its weird, I kept the same settings for the whole video.You can see the size of the .bmp used by looking at the tinted area haha.

Not sent from a Galaxy S2 on Slim ICS.

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