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Coronado pst :cak. Problems?


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The early problems wiith the rusting of the front ERF coatings on the Ha PST are long gone...

The CaK filter module is completely different and I haven't heard of any problems/ issues with it. Remember the CaK PST is basically for imaging, our eyes are usually not sensitive enough down in the UV to see the detail.

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I've read reports of the ERF misbehaving, but with a lot less frequency. (from memory, so forgive me if I'm incorrect) One of the US-based guys that posts regularly on CN is on the 3rd blocking filter. apparently they have a warmer than usual environment or something, but the responses from others have suggested that this rate of degradation is isolated.

I think it was listed in the "how to store your ERF/BF without it degrading" thread.

(but Merlin would have a much more accurate view on the matter)

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Ahhh :( ok. The scope unwanted went now I left my phone somewhere by mistake (phones is what i use for interweb)

What solar scopes are out there cheapest. Ignoring whitelight (as I have a Seymour solar filter on my astral)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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