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Nexstar Computerized Mount Question

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I have the above mount to go with my 127 SLT, but when I try and input my co-ordinates into the controller it kicks it back out at me. I have got my exact location from: Latitude and Longitude of a Point

But when I input this data the controller doesn't seem to recognise the last part of the Latitude. The controller only seems to go up to 59 and anything over this is not accepted. Sorry to seem dumb, but I am not one for co-ordinates (thats why I got a goto), but quite clearly there is something I am doing wrong.

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You need to convert your location in decimal to your location in degrees.

Pop those numbers into this site : Convert Latitude / Longitude in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to/from Decimal (FCC) USA

and you should get values you can enter :D

Also don't forget that dates go in as American format (mm/dd/yy) and the time is current daylight savings (yes, on or +1 : whatever the option is) :)

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Thanks a million buddy. That has done the trick. Yeah, everything is done in imperial measurements in the states so that must have been where I was going wrong. I have been tearing my hair out trying to sort out my alignment problems, so now that I can actually put in the correct co-ordinates I should be in with a fighting chance. Also there are only around 80 stars that you can use as alignment stars as well. Found that out on SGL also. They don't tell you that in the instruction manual.:D

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Malc - Not sure its a good idea to give precise lat/long position of your home on an open forum - I assume it is your home?

Now that Stephen has sorted your problem do you want to edit your details or shall I do it for you?

Or are you happy for it to stay? Which I would not recommend.


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If you're feeling adventurous with a calculator, you can do a good enough conversion as follows...

  1. split the decimal lat/long at the decimal point
  2. the bit before is the degrees, and needs no converting
  3. take the fractional part, for example, 0.75, and multiply by 60. This gives you the arc minutes

Just degrees and arc minutes should be enough for nexstar. Btw, I don't remember this being covered anywhere in the manual, for those of us outside the US, besides it saying "enter lat and long"... confusing in this digital era :)

I cheated and looked it up on my satnav :)

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