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they discontuned the celestron dobs i think when skywatcher got more popular (encroaching on each others territory. iv seen a few same products like i just got a celestron AZ3 which is identicl to the skywatcher one) but with a different head

celestron stuff is usally slightly better than skywtcher, but as they discontunued everything (par the first scope) i would say its prob the same

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theres one on ebay, i think this might be the one the op is meaning about but in resent years celestron products have had the newest gadgets before skywatcher and have better mounts, but i can only assume in the early days celestron was just rebadged in a different paint job

edit : thats the one :)

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alot of the telescopes are currently out of stock, so as with most things where theres a demand, price goes up, a good example is with the phillips spc 880/900 webcam, a few months ago you could pick it up for £20 with all the bits for AP now the same camera is bordering on £100

if that scope was half what a usual 200p new is i would go for it, as you do have to collect so you could reject it if it dosent meet what your expecting

but there is a large waiting list for scopes, (strangle teleskope express in germany seem to have the 200p in stock on their site, as well as the GSO dobs too and you dont pay import tax, just the vat of the country its in and then delivery which i dont think is alot £30 - 50?

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going a little off topic, appoligies to the op theres a lot of threads lately paul (mainly since you were away) of ebay "deals" being way close or even over the new stuff , the 127 slt is on back order till like june i think

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i would imaging that you cant go wrong with that celestron, it is pick up only so you can view it and decide then it seems the guy is open to offers a message might not go wrong asking for some better pics:)

i know but i dont want to buy rubbish and especially when i dont know what im looking for so a new one would be better for me, unless its only 6months old or something, plus this one will last me a lifetime so no more upgrading hehehehe

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going a little off topic, appoligies to the op theres a lot of threads lately paul (mainly since you were away) of ebay "deals" being way close or even over the new stuff , the 127 slt is on back order till like june i think

I can only imagine that the ebay prices reflect the shortage of scopes available.

Just reading thrteads here today it seems all the popular scopes are out of stock and on back order.

I cant remember a time when this was the case.

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Kirtsy, I know it is very frustrating attempting to work out what scope you want/need after probably a lot of research on the internet and asking questions here. Then when you do decide, they haven't got them in stock!. My advice would be to forget the Celestron and go for Skywatcher. The reasons are that firstly, the seller describes their eyepieces as 'lenses' :) which might infer that the person has never used the scope or know anything about astronomy. Secondly, even if it is in good working order, if you decide astronomy is not for you or that you wish to upgrade, you're not going to get much for an old scope when you come to resale it - buyer beware! Now if you go for the Skywatcher, yes its more expensive but if there is a problem when it arrives or later when you are using it, you have the retailer to help you sort it out, send you the missing part or even replace the whole scope. The Skywatcher 200P is the U'K's most popular scope and for good reason, which ultimately means that it's resale value will be high, again if you decide to trade it in or trade up. It's popularity also means that any modifications you might wish to undertake in the future (e.g adding a better focuser) you will always have access to plenty of people on this forum who will have done the same modification and who can advise you on the best approach, price and resources. So paying that bit more, ultimately buys you some piece of mind and all the experience of others who have done the same before you. The old saying that, "...there's no rush, the stars aren't going anywhere" is so true and you know that as soon as you get any scope the clouds are going to come in for a couple of weeks in any case!:rolleyes::D Take your time, and make the right decision for you.


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I would be sorely tempted to visit the ebay seller and inspect the scope if they live close by.

That saved £150 could go on accessories.

The more expereinced people here might be able to give us some tips on what to look for in a second hand scope!

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