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Polar Scope calibration.

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I bought a polar scope some time ago and attempted to calibrate the thing countless times with no hope. I've looked through videos, online posts, and of course this fine site and the problem still remains the same. At this point I've given up and have not used my scope for about 4 weeks now. Any help would be great!

Thank you!


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OK, so if you've been through various guides I'll assume you are familiar with the whole centre target, rotate, adjust, centre target, rotate, adjust principal.

What margin of error have you got it down to?

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Let's just check the routine then, I'm not sure you could keep doing it for that long!

1) Centre your target (distant is better)

2) Rotate RA 180 degrees

3) Move target half way back to centre

4) Rotate RA back 180 degrees

5) Centre target (you are now back at the end of step 1)

6) Goto 2)

Is this what you have been doing? By following this sequence, you should only need 6-12 iterations I would of though before the target is bang on centre both before and after rotation (step 2)

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Let's just check the routine then, I'm not sure you could keep doing it for that long!

1) Centre your target (distant is better)

2) Rotate RA 180 degrees

3) Move target half way back to centre

4) Rotate RA back 180 degrees

5) Centre target (you are now back at the end of step 1)

6) Goto 2)

Is this what you have been doing? By following this sequence, you should only need 6-12 iterations I would of though before the target is bang on centre both before and after rotation (step 2)

Looks like this thread is more or less wrapped up so does anyone mind if I hijack it and ask about the procedure above. Could someone explain what this is for please, and also elaborate a bit on the procedure? Never heard of this and it sounds like an extension/refinement to polar aligning. I've got polar aligning pretty close but is this an alternative or additional?

Cheers, and sorry again to muscle in on another's thread!


EDIT: Ah, this is for aligning the polar scope, isn't it! Sorry. Not got one of those!!!

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This is additional. This is something you do before even thinking about polar aligning.

You want to ensure your polarscope is "pointing" in exactly the same direction as the RA axis of your mount.

If the polarscope is not aligned to the RA axis, then your polar alignment will be off no matter how perfect it "looks" through the polarscope.

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This is a fiddly procedure but it does only have to be done once unless you really knock the polarscope at some time in the future. However, to not carry out this part of the procedure is pure folly as Kheldar says!

The key to this is to find as distant a solid of object as you can - top of a telegraph pole, distant neighbour's TV aerial, church spire etc. Make sure you are comfortable, preferably seated. Make tiny adjustments of the three setting screws (1/8th of a turn at most each time) for each iteration. Don't compromise - get it right, remember this pain in the neck precedure should be a one off only!

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