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SPacing - The same with mono and OSC CCD's?


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I know this may sound like a realy silly question, but I know with my Atik 314L mono I have to get the spacing right in order to get the focus and stars right.

If I was to purchase an Atik OSC - Do they have the same spacing issue? If so, I am already using an extension tube as I'm using it without a reducer at the moment. How do I get spacing? If indeed it needs it :)

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Mmm, OK. So what do you use for spacing from the camera to the extension tube?

Do you mean to increase back focus distance so you can get the CCD to focus?

If so, just a longer T2 extension tube (if needed, I'm surprised though?)

Going to depend on how you connect the CCD to the drawtube though I guess. You can get 2" extension tubes as well.

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I don't know what I mean now.

My 314L has to have a distance from the chip to reducer of xx mm. With a OSC there's no need for a filter wheel, so theoretically it could go straight into the extension tube, but on the mono I have a distance from that to the chip - Does that make sense? Probably not describing it very well or really understanding why I need space in the first place.

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You confused me as well, you said you weren't using it with a reducer? :)

I think I understand you now. Having just moved from mono to OSC, I purchased a longer T2 extension.

The distance has to be the same as the mono.

(edit) The Baader 29-46 variable T2 extension was my weapon of choice :confused:

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For example.

MONO>Filter-wheel>extension> 55mm to Flattener

OSC>Extension> 55mm to Flattener

However be aware that you may need to fit a LPF in there, this might go on the end of the flattener this might need to go before the flattener, it all depends on what works for your gear.

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How about if I'm not using the reducer? I don't always use it.

Also, does it matter where the LP filter goes? Does it not need to go nearer the chip?

In that case you just need

OSC - T2 to 2" or 1.25" nosepiece - scope

I'm not expert enough to say where the filter should go :) But mine goes on the end of the train.

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When I was using a Meade 80mm, televue Flattener LPF and QHY8L, I had a reflection issue, I never got it solved, my final option was to remove the inbuilt filter on the cam and use an Astonomik CLS CCD T Cell LPF.... this didnt nail it either IMO

I tried Filter on the end of the reducer, before it, then in a filter wheel all sorts, its a case of see what works with your gear.

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Of course the reflection could of been caused by something other than the Redcuer, LPF.... who knows, but it is something to be aware of, dont let it nause you like it did me HAHA!

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In that case you just need

OSC - T2 to 2" or 1.25" nosepiece - scope

I'm not expert enough to say where the filter should go :) But mine goes on the end of the train.

With a 1.25" filter it could go in the nosepiece and close to the chip, would be cheaper too!

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Im not sure but you might be able to attach the filter the the CCD and stil use the t-thread connection to hook it up to the scope.

I use one of these to put an IR cut in the T2 chain of my guide scope


However I'd probably recommend a 2" LP filter ... just to future proof yourself :)

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Hang on - Here's a thought - I've got a hole in my filter wheel not being used. I could stick a 1.25" LP in there and just swap the mono and OSC over at the nosepiece and then everything will be the same.

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Hang on - Here's a thought - I've got a hole in my filter wheel not being used. I could stick a 1.25" LP in there and just swap the mono and OSC over at the nosepiece and then everything will be the same.

That would be an easy solution yes :)

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Hang on - Here's a thought - I've got a hole in my filter wheel not being used. I could stick a 1.25" LP in there and just swap the mono and OSC over at the nosepiece and then everything will be the same.

Always assuming that the chip to body distance is the same on both cameras...I would assume that they are - same camera, different chip.

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OK, have now purchased an Atik 16 HR OSC - Just trying to work out how to connect it. I could just swap the camera's over and put a 1.25" LP into the filter wheel and then move the whole lot between scopes - But what if I wanted to image the mono on 1 scope and the OSC on the other.

So assume that I have a 1.25" nosepiece on the Atik, what do I need to connect that to a Baader variable tube https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p3732_Baader-VariLock-46---variable-T2-extension-29-46mm.html - Grrrr, I hate all these connections, I can never work them out.

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