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Stacking images!

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Hi folks

I`ve tried asking this on other forums with mixed response really but I`m still no nearer:confused:. I recently watched an imager take 1000 fuzzy images of Mars and after a bit of tweaking through Registax came out with an excellent detailed image. I thought I might be able to do the same teasing out of detail with spectra but it doesn`t seem quite so straightforward. Deep sky stacker seems to only like frames with multiple stars in, Registax seems to stack them ok but the end result is disappointing (more likely my fault rather than the software), Astroart5 again seems to stack ok but the end result seems no better than any of the individual images, the same goes for Nebulosity 3. Any pointers please?



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Thanks for that John, appreciated :)

BTW My camera at the moment is a mono DMK21 and takes either .bmp or avi`s, not really for deep sky but I thought ok for the brighter spectra!. Not wanting to clog up your broadband is it ok to send a few bmp`s (each is about 300kb). I`m looking at the Atik 314 as recommended by Ken :confused: Yes I`ve seen your youtube video, very interesting, you prefer that to the others RSpec, Vspec ,Isis etc?



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Hi Steve,

Yes send me up to 10 BMPs - I have reasonably fast broadband and I will have a look at them.

I think every spectroscopist will have their own opinion on what software to use.

I like spcaudace because the workflow is fast and it is easy to use - once you know the workflow. Fully processed spectra in a couple of minutes.

But the other software such as ISIS I have tried is equally good and the results I got from ISIS are very similar to spcaudace.

If you want to use what the pros more normally use then you could use IRAF - which runs on linux/unix. You can run it though from Virtual PC running linux on a windows PC - I have actually got that to work on one of my PCs. It is more difficult to use in terms of the user interface but it has lots of functionality.

Your DMK should still take good spectra however it is a noisy chip as it is not cooled and it is quite a small chip. Did you take any darks - that would help quite a bit I reckon. I use the Atik 314L+ it is one of the best cameras out there for spectroscopy.



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If you want to use what the pros more normally use then you could use IRAF - which runs on linux/unix. You can run it though from Virtual PC running linux on a windows PC - I have actually got that to work on one of my PCs. It is more difficult to use in terms of the user interface but it has lots of functionality.

IRAF does also work under cygwin in Windows, which saves you having to reboot -- though it's not quite so stable that way it seems.

I'd worry about getting a camera which produces FITS files before you head down the IRAF path. As John says -- it is very much a case of form over function and only really appropriate for experienced observers.

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Your right about IRAF under Cygwin - it kept crashing when I tried to use it. That why I went down the linux (fedora) route.

You can capture FITS images from the DMK. Just depends what capture software you are using eg MaximDL allows you to capture fits with a DMK and I am sure there are plenty of other software that allows you to do that as well.



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Quick attempt at processing Vega for you - see picture below.

Excellent effort! Its a little noisy but you sure can see the hydrogen lines and you can see some of the atmospheric lines to the red side of the Halpha line. I suggest you practice some more on vega:

- capture some more darks - 5 to 10 to process

- capture several spectra of vega - the more the better (with the star in the same position on the chip)

- and practice focus as well on the spectra

do the above until you get a less noisy spectra and deeper absorption lines and then you'll be an expert with the star analyser!


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BetaBoo - its a G star so Hydrogen lines not so strong - there are other lines there above the noise. Perhaps you or some of the other spectroscopists can identify them:


have fun and take more spectra :)



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