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What bright deep space objects can I realistically see?

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Hi Guys......I've just boughtmy first telescope its a 90mm maksutov (skywatcher skymax), its really good for planetery and lunar observing, as i understand it, its not great for deep space objects, i was wondering is there any bright deep space objects i could look for and possibly see with my scope this time of year?

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With your 25mm eyepiece, most easily visible DSO's should be okay. Try M13 and M3 globular clusters. M57 the ring nebula should be visible, later in the year M27, the dumbell neb and M11 the wild duck cluster should be good.

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With your 25mm eyepiece, most easily visible DSO's should be okay. Try M13 and M3 globular clusters. M57 the ring nebula should be visible, later in the year M27, the dumbell neb and M11 the wild duck cluster should be good.

In addition to this, there are a few galaxies worth seeking out.

M81 and M82 in Ursa Major are bright and can be seen together.

M64, the Black Eye galaxy in Coma Berenices.

M94 and M51, the Whirlpool galaxy in Canes Venatici.

M65 and M66 in Leo are quite bright together.

M60 and M87 in Virgo should be possible too.

Happy hunting!

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